

It's nearing the end of April, and almost enrollment too. All over plurk, friends of mine are hoping that summer would end, and school come back--something completely opposite from what I was hoping for.

Just as Xela said in one of her journals on dA, "why can't there be 35 hours a day?" She said that after she mentioned that she's mostly reviewing half the day. And I was horrified. I haven't been reviewing at all.

The hardest exam is coming in on August, the one for UP. Needless to say, I haven't been doing much of anything yet.

Partly, I've used up April to rest; catching up on it is fundamental. I barely rest during the school year. I took time until the end of the Lenten season to take good long naps and also anime marathons with my sister: a sort of bonding we couldn't have during the school year.

I promised myself that I'll start studying once the Lenten season ends. Easter came, and I was prepared to hit the books...
...when suddenly...
my family asks me to go to Cebu City with them.

Nothing to argue about, Cebu City was a lovely trip. Not to mention, it was a great learning experience. I got to work as part of a secretariat team under my father's direction. And I finally understood what he does for a living.

My mom tells me it was a great OJT (On the Job Training) for my sister and me. I would have agreed, if it were not for the fact that I got paid for it.

It wasn't training--it was a job.

0 Alibis D::